Detailní popis produktu
49159 Radical SMU
All-purpose weapon! Reliable and versatile ski for ambitious everyday touring.
The new Tour 88 with a waist of 88 mm is the most versatile model in the DYNAFIT collection and was developed for women who are classic ski touring enthusiasts. Compared to the prior model, its weight has been reduced by yet another 50 g by integrating, among other things a tip of synthetic materials. This lends easy and reliable skin attachment. In addition the poplar Paulownia wood core has been optimized and a new topsheet was developed for the ski. The model gives you maneuverability, stable ski performance and uncomplicated handling on any terrain. Weighing in at a light 1,320 grams (at 174 cm), athletic touring enthusiasts can save their energy for the downhill even on long, challenging tours. Its design combines cap construction and sidewalls to achieve the optimum performance-to-weight ratio. Its 3D construction was specially developed to reduce the density and thus the swing weight of the ski in front of and behind the binding. This guarantees stable, chatter-free handling despite such a light weight. The rocker construction and the sidecut are also adapted for each ski size, a unique feature in the ski touring market. This keeps the effective edge length equally proportional to each size, allowing it to function independent of the size. This model has a poplar Paulownia wood core. This combination of materials unifies the rigidity and strength from the long poplar fibers and the low weight of the Paulownia portion.
Product State New Product
158 |
166 |
174 |
182 |
189 |
Hmotnost |
158 |
166 |
174 |
182 |
189 |
Sidecut top |
158 |
166 |
174 |
182 |
189 |
Sidecut middle |
158 |
166 |
174 |
182 |
189 |
Sidecut bottom |
158 |
166 |
174 |
182 |
189 |
Radius A |
158 |
166 |
174 |
182 |
189 |
Tip Rocker |
158 |
166 |
174 |
182 |
189 |
Tail Rocker |
Ski CoresPoplar Paulownia Core
- Aluminium
- Carbon-glass fiber
- UD Carbon
49555 Radical
Proven long-time all-rounder for classic ski tours.
The Radical Binding has been a tried-and-proven all-rounder on classic ski tours for years. It combines durability, comfort and user-friendly handling. Whether your local mountain or a high-alpine ski tour, the Radical is always a good pick. The Step-In Side Towers make entry into the toe piece more than 30% easier. Meaning fast as lightening you are fully and easily ready to get going. At the same time, it increases lateral stability on the descent. The heel unit, newly reinforced with aluminum for increased rigidity, lends even better power transfer between heel and ski, transforming the binding into a long-lasting, durable partner. The Radical has two riser heights you can operate quickly and easily with your pole. The binding also offers 25 mm of flex in its length adjustment, enabling it to fit various sole lengths. Its release value can be fully adjusted both laterally and vertically from DIN 4 to 10. For a bit more safety on ice or crust, ski crampons can also be attached to the Radical ski touring binding. As with all DYNAFIT bindings, the Radical has been developed and manufactured in Germany and offers DYNAFIT’s Lifetime Guarantee. Radical – You Swiss army knife of bindings.
Product State
New Product

Step In Side Towers
Adjustable Length12,5 - 12,5(+/- mm)
Made in Germany
48254 Speedskin Tour 88 NOR 20/21
Ski Touring skin with outstanding glide and grip characteristics.
The Dynafit ski touring skin not only prevents the annoying buildup of clumps of snow, it also provides excellent glide and grip. A special middle membrane stops water from being absorbed and improves the skin's edge seals. The skins are tear resistant and do not wrinkle easily. The Dynafit Stretch System provides the ideal attachment between skin and ski tail. Snow and ice is prevented from getting under the skin, which is tightly wrapped around the tip. FreerideTourers, SkiTourers and SkiRunners all realize their common dream: top performance, great traction, lightweight, and long gliding skins.
Product SegmentationStandard
Buďte první, kdo napíše příspěvek k této položce.
Buďte první, kdo napíše příspěvek k této položce.
Značka Dynafit je synonymem pro technickou výbavu, která je optimalizována pro výkon v nejnáročnějších horských podmínkách. Založená v roce 1950, Dynafit se zaměřuje na výrobu vysoce kvalitních produktů, které zahrnují lyže, lyžařské boty, oblečení a příslušenství pro ski touring a další outdoorové aktivity.
Klíčové vlastnosti, které odlišují Dynafit od ostatních značek na trhu, jsou inovace, lehkost a výkon. Dynafit neustále investuje do výzkumu a vývoje, aby mohli přinášet nejnovější technologie a materiály na trh. Díky tomu jsou jejich produkty nejen lehké, ale také výkonné a odolné.
Od výroby svých prvních lyží až po nejnovější kolekce outdoorového oblečení a příslušenství, Dynafit vždy klade důraz na kvalitu a trvanlivost svých výrobků. Jejich produkty jsou navrženy tak, aby vydržely i v nejnáročnějších podmínkách, a přitom poskytovaly komfort a bezpečí.
Dynafit je značka, která je oblíbená mezi profesionálními horolezci, lyžaři a outdoorovými nadšenci po celém světě. Jejich produkty jsou známy svou spolehlivostí, výkonem a inovacemi, které vám pomohou dosáhnout svých cílů v horách, ať už jde o výstup na nejvyšší vrchol, nebo jen o pohodový den na sjezdovce.
V naší kategorii Dynafit najdete širokou škálu produktů této značky. Ať už hledáte lyže, oblečení, boty nebo příslušenství, můžete si být jisti, že zde najdete to pravé pro vaše dobrodružství. Prozkoumejte naši nabídku a objevte svět Dynafit!